LEASE (Cp.) for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Edward Bushell of…

Description: LEASE (Cp.) for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Edward Bushell of the city of London, merchant --- a messuage, farm or tenement with appurts. in Mickle Dale in WOODHOUSE, par, FRODSHAM, now/late in tenure of sd. Edward Bushell and 3 acres of land in David Slack parcel of the commons of FRODSHAM, with liberty to enclose the same from the sd. wastes; for lives of Heath Hyde and Margrett Hyde, son and daughter of William Hyde of Frodsham and William Ince 3rd. son of William Ince, alderman of the city of Chester, at annual rent of £1-9-3½, 2 rent hens or 12d. and heriot of best beast or good or 5 marks. Cons. surrender of former lease and £45. Seal, red, armorial. Parchment.
Date: 01/01/1685 - 31/12/1685
Last import: September 12, 2017

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