Description: Case and opinion concerning rights of common in lands called the Hayes, with plan of premises, 1860, citing as evidence the undermentioned manorial papers. Manorial court papers, 1701-1729 containing custumals of 1583 (in a 17th cent. copy) and 1687, survey of 1701 reciting leases and grants from 1648, and 3 rentals, 1729, 1730 and n.d. (18th cent.), also jurors' lists, presentments and copyhold grants. Valuation of Balners' estate at Twinhoe and Wellow, 1785, and 18th cent. memorandum of land tax and rates on land at Twinhoe.
Date: 01/01/1583 - 31/12/1583
Last import: September 11, 2017

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