Complaint to the Lord Chancellor

Description: Of Penelope Bulkeley, wid., relict and executrix of John Bulkeley, decd. against Henry Whithed and others To answer what money had been raised by the sale of the farm and manor of Alvington (I. of Wight) belonging to Frances Leigh, to pay his debts, for which her late husband had been bound as surety, 1667-68. Answers of Henry Whithed, Lady Bridget Worsley, Roger Pope, Francis Leigh and James Gold, 1667-68. 2 copies lease dated 26 Feb 1662 by Francis Leigh of Alvington, I. of Wight, Elizabeth, his wife, and Robert Freke of Upway (Dorset) to John Bulkeley Of the chief rents of the manor of Alvington and the copyhold and leasehold tenements in the possession of persons named.
Date: 01/01/1662 - 31/12/1668
Last import: September 11, 2017

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