–The Mayor and Jurats of Hythe to the Mayors, Bailiffs, and Jurats of the Cinque Ports.

Description: "Wheras by a decree lately made at the towne of Newe Romeney, it was enacted that from thenceforth yearly a Gestlinge should be somoned by that towne which sholde sommon the brodhull to be holden at Newe Romeney aforesaide, to begyne ymediatly after the brotherhood is ended, to which Gestlinge there shold be no more returned of every towne and member but the hed officer, two jurates, the towne clerke, and chamberlen; the somoning of which Gestlinge for this present yere apperteyneth nowe unto us. These are therefore to praye and require yow to be and appeare at a Gestlinge to be holden at Newe Romeney aforesaid the Tewsday next after the feast of St. Margaret, beinge the 21st daye of July next comeinge, imediately after the brodhull is ended, by such persons and so many of your discreetest combarons as by the said decree is required."
Date: 01/01/1601 - 31/12/1601
Last import: September 11, 2017

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