Main Papers

Description: 8 June - Griffiths v Martin. Writ of Error: 1) Petition, 2) Remittitur, 3) Writ. 13 June - Duke of Montagu v Lord Beaulieu, Petition and Appeal (Large Parchments). Annexed: 1) Order of Service, 2) Answer of Respondent (Parchment Main Papers), 3) Petition of Appellant, 4) Judgment. 14 June - Powell v Sharwood, Petition of Defendant (in error). 14 June - Westminster Paving Bill, Petition of Grays Inn. 15 June - Power v Windis, Petition for Appeal to be received. 15 June - Power v Windis, Petition and Appeal (Large Parchments). Annexed: 1) Order of Service, Answer of Respondents (Parchment Main Papers), 2) Petition of Appellant, 3) Judgment. 17 June - Jackson v Keily, Petition and Appeal (Large Parchments). Annexed: Order of Service.
Date: 08/06/1774 - 17/06/1774
Last import: September 12, 2017

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