sitefind HMCMS:A1997.5.4

Description: site finds, Medieval site excavation of a moated site prior to development in 1956, revealed a sequence of pre-moat occupation. The excavator divided it into 3 phases all on different alignments. Owing to restrictions on the excavation the evidence for structures was rather fragmentary. The major structural evidence was a series of roughly rectangular enclosures present in all phases. Also a probable sunken floored building and other structural features including post holes, foundation trenches and hearths. Artefact finds included pottery, tile and some slag, consequently dating is rather tenuous, but seems to range from the 11th to the 13th century, with a possibly pre-Conquest phase. Construction of the moat represents a complete re-structuring of the site. The excavator believes the site was of peasant rather than manorial status, Milton Moated Site, New Milton, New Forest, Hampshire.

Object type: sitefind

Last import: October 9, 2017

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