sitefind HMCMS:A1978.17.681

Description: sitefind, Roman New Forest flask waster with globular body, narrow spout and everted rim with flange below; it is decorated with five horizontal bands of rouletting, found in Grave 52, male, aged 25-35, (Fig 25, p7), recovered from site R6 on the route of the M3, excavated by M3ARC (the M3 Archaeological Rescue Committee). Seven large graves lay head to toe alongside a shallow boundary ditch, with an eighth (Grave 54) some 40m away by the junction of this ditch and a Roman road. Five females, two males and a child were buried in oak coffins, all except one with their heads at the west end of the graves. Found M3ARC, R26, Burntwood Farm, Micheldever, Hampshire, from Iron Age and Roman periods

Object type: sitefind

Last import: October 9, 2017

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