The Concrete Road

D-Day embarkation remains at Lepe, the beach hardening mats (giant chocolate blocks) being washed by the waves. These covered the beach to prevent tanks sinking into the sand during loading (Photo taken 2012)
Author: Gareth Owen

“The Concrete Road” from A Year In Providence by Brian Hooper.

Less than half a mile along the beach from the car park at Lepe, at the seaward end of Southampton Water, but missed by most visitors, are the remains of an extraordinary military operation.  Mulberry Harbours were built and launched there in preparation for the D-Day landings, apparently without coming to the notice of the enemy.

“The Concrete Road” from A Year In Providence by Brian Hooper.

The lyrics to this track can be found on Brian’s website, here.

Follow the link to discover more of Brian’s music.

Thanks Brian for allowing us to host this track.

Date: 2006

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