Rosemary Harding, Part 2
Images: Rosemary Harding, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Rosemary Harding CH2 Duration: 3:46
CB:Okay, so on to number nine photograph. (RH009)

Rosemary: Yeah, this is in the winter in the late ‘sixties.
CB: Okay, and that I can see, the original house we were looking at in the other photograph.
Rosemary: Yes.
CB: And this is the gate that I came through to drive up the drive.
Rosemary: Yes, and since then we’ve had stables and all sorts built
CB: That’s right. Looks like it was a hard winter, that winter.
Rosemary: Mmm.
CB: And, of course, you can turn ponies out, straight from your gate.
Rosemary: Yes.
CB: Which is nice, isn’t it.
Angie Wilson: She was good at it, wasn’t she, Rosemary?
Rosemary: Yes.
CB: So this is number ten photograph. (RH010). Tell me about this one.
Rosemary: This is our neighbour, [information redacted], with his two shire horses, Bitter and Sweet; and on them are [information redacted] and [information redacted]. And that’s in the ‘sixties. He used to do pony rides. And weddings. Had a big cart and all sorts from here
CB: Did he?
Rosemary: Yeah.
CB: And he was just up the road. And did he –
Rosemary: Just next door –
CB: – turn ponies and cattle out?
Rosemary: Yes. He had Scottish Blues.
CB: Oh, did he.
Rosemary: Yeah. He was a butcher.
CB: Oh, he was a butcher as well.
Rosemary. Yes. Then he had a butcher shop there an’ all.
CB: Okay.
Rosemary: But he originated from Southampton. He was assistant coach to Southampton Football Club.
CB: Was he now! Okay. And when do you think this might have been taken.
Rosemary: it’s got to be in about – late sixties.
CB: Late ‘sixties. Okay. So this is a very detailed photograph. (RH011) Tell me about this one.
Rosemary: Well, I know it’s out on the Forest. M’dad had to go and help a Belted Galloway deliver its calf.
CB: So he’s out there with his ropes, shirt off –
Rosemary: Yup.
CB: Elbow deep in –
Rosemary: Yes!
CB: Got his ropes on there; got one secured on one foot and he’s pulling the other one…wow.
Rosemary: Sometimes if they’ve got them, they brought them back in the lorry and we’ve done it in the yard. Delivered them, but they don’t always.
CB: Sometimes they’re more urgent, I guess.
Rosemary: Yeah.
CB: Number thirteen (RH013) –
Rosemary: The second gentleman on the picture in is Mr. [information redacted].
CB: And he’s got the – what’s that, a trilby hat?
Rosemary: Yes.
CB: And was he a Commoner?
Rosemary: No, he was the farm manager for Mr. Dalgetty.
CB: Oh, was he, right.
Angie Wilson: (Interrupts with comments – about [information redacted]?)
CB: Okay, and –
Rosemary: Yes.
Rosemary: And that’s dad on the ground.
CB: Dad is on the ground. What’s he down there with? Looks like a –
Rosemary: Looks like he’s sat on something like a cow
CB: Yeah, and we don’t know the other one; obviously jumped off that horse –
Rosemary: Yes
CB: Grabbed it; he needed that one, I should think. And you reckon that about nineteen fifties?
Rosemary: In the fifties, early ‘fifties, yeah.
CB: Early ‘fifties – yeah, that’s lovely. Okay, so number 14 (RH014). This is a lovely black and white picture; tell me about it
Rosemary: It’s the early ‘fifties. It’s my dad on a special roundup because –
CB: he’s got his best uniform on –
Rosemary: Yes, and it looks like it’s [information redacted] leading the colt; must’ve caught it.
CB: Okay, they’ve got their ropes on and your dad is obviously the chap with the whip –
Rosemary: Yes –
CB: And he’s encouraging that pony to walk on… with – who –”[information redacted]” did you say?
Rosemary: I’m sure that’s [information redacted].
CB: [information redacted].
Rosemary: Or if it’s not [information redacted], it’s – or [information redacted]. They both – they do look alike.
CB: Okay. And you think early ‘fifties again.
Rosemary: Definitely, yeah.
CB: Super.
Rosemary: And I should imagine it’s up at Stoney Cross.
CB: Yeah, it looks like that, doesn’t it?
Rosemary: Yeah.
CB: Yep. Number 15. (RH015) Another lovely calving one. When do you think that was?

Rosemary: This is in the 1960’s and you can see, the head’s out first.
CB: Yeah, got it. Two front legs, followed by the nose.
Rosemary: Yes, and it’s in the Forest ‘cos hay –
(Passage indistinct; both talking at the same time)
CB: Again, another emergency…trees…
Rosemary: ..trees ..on the forest