Peggy Tillyer, Transcript 1, Part 3
Images: Peggy Tillyer, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Peggy Tillyer Trans 1 CH3 Duration: 4:37
Photo 7 (photo 8 is the reverse) PT007 & PT008
This again is still the same team working on [information redacted] threshing gear. This is the overall view of the working threshing and bailing gear. Err, You had the tractor driving the drive belt, which drove the threshing thing to take the, umm, the grain out of the straw, then you collected the straw on the end and then this went into a umm, No this went into a umm, it wasn’t baled then you had separate baler afterwards if I remember correctly, this went into your hay stacks, what would have been your hay stacks, and there’s a lot of people you can see 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 people working on that. (laughs)
Photo 9 (photo 10 is the reverse) PT009 & PT010
Lovely, and then this one?
This again is the same umm, time, err, 1951 or 1952 and this again it’s still [information redacted] threshing gear. Again Tony Rostigina and Brian Tillyer on what they call the threshing drum. And just in this picture stood at the side of it, Farmer Billy Morris his wife Mrs Morris, [information redacted] himself and John Kitcher, I can’t place the John Kitcher just at the moment.
That’s that one. That was all of them
Photo 11 PT011
Ok so this next photograph, tell me about this one, a post card?

This is just a standard postcard which I don’t know, probably because I collect postcards I picked it up somewhere (laughs) showing the, err, I don’t know if it is the very very first Balmerlawn hotel but it is certainly the fore runner of the present Balmerlawn Hotel, which burnt out and had to be re built but I can’t tell you the date of that happening, there’s no date, because this card hasn’t been used there’s no indication of any date on it. It’s just a picture of the Hotel as it was.
Photo 12 (photo 13 is the reverse)PT012 & PT013

So this photograph of the Forest ponies, where is this taken?
This is taken on the original Hardley Road at Holbury. Looking north with the original Hardley school in the background. Hardley school is now the New Forest Academy School. All your local children would’ve gone to Hardley school including husband Brian. As can be seen we had skewbald ponies even piebald ponies on the Forest even all those years ago, and as a matter of fact Brian for some reason I can’t remember why, bought the skewbald colt in the picture off the owner Ike Plasscott who lives did live at Dibden Purlieu. What this road is showing here is now in fact the service road to the main road at Holbury. It doesn’t look as though it could possibly be because there were so many trees that had to be removed to make the present road.
Yes that’s lovely. And the next photo? (continued with photo 12)
And this is this peculiar one but I don’t know, they wouldn’t of been registered anyway.
They were ponies that had run on the forest?
Well I can’t umm I don’t really know but they umm, they were certainly, I should imagine came from the Forest, either brought in or bred in.