Peggy Tillyer, Transcript 1, Part 2
Images: Peggy Tillyer, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Peggy Tillyer Trans 1 CH2 Duration 5:00
Photo 2 PT002
Yes that’s lovely and the photo below?

Is a few years later, you can see that by Beauty has now gone a lot whiter, she was grey pony and this was another thing mother in law Emily, Emmer, (laughs) she was very proud that she was a grey pony because grey ponies on the, registered grey ponies were very rare to begin with, believe it or not, and it was sort of, ‘I’ve got a grey pony’ (laughs) and this second picture shows the age where she is losing some of her dapples and becoming a white grey pony.
And Brian looks a bit older.
Brian is a bit older
And where about is that Peggy?
This is in Fawley village, you can still see the place today you know, the position of it, umm, again there wouldn’t of been, umm, any much reliable public transport, um so they were still using the, umm this pony also was taken many times in the, umm New Forest Pony and Cattle Breed Show in the driving section and they used to drive her to Burley to get the cup for the best driven to the show ground.
Photo 3 (photo 4 is the reverse) PT003 & PT004
Wow on to number 3. It’s a lovely photograph. Tell me about that one?
This is a case tractor it’s an orange colour although it doesn’t show it here. It’s my husband Brian this was before we were married, umm err, Brian’s first job when he left school was a milk boy rounds man I’ve got a picture of him actually with the cycle if you want that, he progressed into working for [information redacted] who was an agricultural, I don’t know what you called them, not engineer, he ran all the tractors and went round the different farms.
Contractor that’s the word I’m after, and um Brian learnt to drive the tractor and err went with the team, he cycled unless it was local Brian cycled from his home in Ashlett to East Boldre before he started his days’ work, and then cycled back again afterwards (laughs) but this particular picture is a local one, it would of been taken at I imagine by the local photographer Ed Mudge, and err, it’s at well I thinks it’s taken early 50’s 51 or 52 and err I think it would of been at Whitefield Farm which is err, on the way between Blackfield and Lepe.
Photo 5 (photo 6 is the reverse) PT005 & PT006
So let’s have a look at this next one number 4.
This show the complete threshing gear, because err in the summer, late summer they would go threshing and you had a team obviously to work all the different sections of the gear and this particular picture, I have written on the back, err Brian Tillyer and Tony Rostigina which is still the Rostigina family that we know of, on the drum what they call the drum the threshing drum section this is the elevator umm and I’ve written down [information redacted], [information redacted] and [information redacted] the farmer on the left of the picture, on the right John Kitcher and err we’ve put Hobo he was a, not homeless I don’t know quite where he did actually .. oh yes I do, he lodged in Pentagon [Fawley] in a house in Pentagon nobody knew much about him, he worked on the land, yes that’s right.
So that’s that one,