Peggy Tillyer, Transcript 1, Part 1
An interview by Clare Bates with Peggy Tillyer at her home in Sprattsdown on 29th June 2016
Images: Peggy Tillyer, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Peggy Tillyer Trans1 CH1 Duration: 2:43
This is Clare Bates interviewing Peggy Tillyer at her home in Sprattsdown on June 29th 2016.
So Peggy can you tell me a little bit about your commoning history, when you started?
Husband Brian and myself, well actually, before he was married, my husband was given a pony by his parents, for his 21st birthday , his parents were commoners but we didn’t run out anything ourselves but he was given this one called Gypsy Princess and we since discovered that she was out of Gypsy Queen who was out of Gypsy out of Kitty who was his, Brian’s great uncle or something like that ( laughs) even the original pony goes back in history (laughs) and every Sprattsdown pony today, anything that’s registered as a Sprattsdown prefix, comes from or goes back to Gypsy Princess. Every one. And that would have been in, umm oh dear, we were married in 1955, err so 50…early 50’s can’t remember (in audible)19 52 (laughs) .
Photo 1 PT001
Lovely, so let’s have a look at this first photo here. Can you tell me about that one?

Well this particular photo is of Brian’s parents, umm, and it is taken near the house that Brian was born in at Ashlett, Ashlett Creek, near Fawley and it shows his parents and my husband Brian as a little boy in a trap and the pony is a registered New Forest pony, Beauty VIII, I think it is, I can look that up if necessary, umm
When do you think that was taken roughly?
In the war, it would be taken in the war, because I don’t think anybody could drive but it was a means of transport you couldn’t even get buses or anything very regularly and umm, so umm, they went independent and had their New Forest pony.