Memories of a Lymington school girl

Freda Beryl Jones

An oral history interview with Mrs Freda Jones. Interview Date 08/10/2012

Mrs Freda Beryl Jones was born in 1933 and has lived in the Lymington area all her life.  She was a pupil at Lymington C of E School (now St Barbe Museum) and recalls her memories from when she was a young girl.

Interview Quick Clips

All material is © 2015 New Forest National Park Authority.

Full transcription of interview recordings.

Download transcription (PDF)

Interviewed by: Peter Hutchings
Transcription by: Helen Wallbridge
Editor: Gareth Owen

Key Words:

Lymington, School, Air raid siren, Air raid shelter, Lymington, St Thomas’s Church, Fords, Church Lane, Hallseys Farm, Viney Road, Normandy Lane, Oranges, Portmore, Concrete bases, Tanks, Food, Garden, Cooking, Millers Bakers, Mr Weeks the Milkman Mr Gale, Merchant Navy Convoy, SS Lancastrian Prince, Telegram, Childhood memories of, Lymington area, airraid shelters, food and death of brother at sea

Date: 1943

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