Marion Ingram, Transcript 3, Part 1
Continuation of interview with Marion Ingram at her home at Hilltop on 9th February, 2017
Images: Marion Ingram, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Marion Ingram Trans 3 CH1 Duration: 4:57
CB: So this is Clare Bates interviewing Marion at her home in Hilltop. It’s the ninth of February still, 2017 and we’re just doing the third collection, so on to number ninety-three, Marion; (MI093) what can you tell me about that one?
Marion: Yes, that was on the occasion of Raymond Stickland’s retirement, and they presented him with a new saddle so that he’d be able to continue riding, a nice comfortable saddle
CB: Oh, what a lovely idea –
Marion: So in the picture we have Brian presenting it to Raymond.
CB: And when do you think that was?
Marion: That was in 1979.
CB: Great. This is number ninety-four (MI094)
Marion: Yes, this was in 1990, and [information redacted] decided that it was time that the pony breeders had a social occasion; so he organised a dinner dance at Lyndhurst Park Hotel. And that’s [information redacted] with his wife, [information redacted], in the picture.
CB: Lovely. And number ninety-five (MI096)
Marion: Yes. And we have got Brian Ingram and he is talking to [information redacted] and his wife. They were their guests of honour on that occasion.
CB: Lovely.
Marion: And then we have got [information redacted] and [information redacted], these were all guests at the dinner dance.
CB: There it is. (MI097)
Marion: And then we have got, now we’re getting to the younger members of the occasion, and in that picture we have got [information redacted], [information redacted] and [information redacted]. And I guess that was still probably nineteen-ninety-ish. Maybe ninety-one.
CB: Okay. Right, so ninety-eight (MI098)
Marion: Yes, it would be still guests at the dinner dance.
CB: Okay and you think that’s –
Marion: [information redacted]. Opposite – definitely [information redacted] chatting there; not sure of the couple with their backs to us.
CB: So, number ninety-nine (MI099)
Marion: Yes. Would’ve been the occasion of [information redacted] fiftieth birthday, 1994, and in the picture we have got [information redacted] and then [information redacted] his son and daughter; and next to them is [information redacted]; and then Lennie and then .. Jill – I think her name is Jill – and they were the two, [information redacted] and Jill were the ones who had to tempt Alan up to – tempt Lennie up to the hall at Minstead without him knowing. (Laughter)
CB: So on to number a hundred (MI100)

Marion: Yes, and this was in 1997 when Dad was celebrating his eightieth birthday.
CB: Lovely. That’s Lenny Mansbridge –
Marion: Yeah
CB: At home –
Marion: Yeah, sorry, Yeah.
CB: Number a hundred and one (MI101)
Marion: Yeah, this would’ve been in 2003 when Brian retired and that’s [information redacted] there presenting him with a statue of heavy horses, because that was Brian’s next favourite after a New Forest pony.
CB: That’s number a hundred and two (MI102)
Marion: And here we have Jonathan, I think he was probably saying a few words and stood with [information redacted] and Brian.
CB: Number a hundred and three (MI103)
Marion: Was the party commoners gave Brian at his retirement at the Royal Oak and in this picture we have Don Stevens and he’s with [information redacted].
CB: Number a hundred a four.. (MI104)Looks like the same party
Marion: Yes, and in this picture – well, this is very much a family picture: that’s [information redacted], myself, Brian and [information redacted].
CB: That’s super; thank you very much. So, yeah, again, a hundred and five (MI105)
Marion: Yes, this is Brian, I guess he’s thanking people and also I guess he’s probably thanking John Stevens because over many years he was the one that gave him so much help.