Marion Ingram, Transcript 2, Part 3
Images: Marion Ingram, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Marion Ingram Trans 2 CH 3 Duration: 5:34
CB: Lovely. Number eighty-one (MI081)

Marion: Yes. It’s in 2005 when stallions were being held in New Park grazing. They were just being got out, I guess, getting ready to be released in the Forest for the season.
CB: And is that … erm; I can’t think of his name, [information redacted] –
Marion: Yes, [information redacted] leading the first pony. I guess he got the first one out and everything followed.
CB: So number eighty-two (MI082)

Marion: Yes. This was down at Wootton and they were pulling, the area is so wet and boggy there they were using horses to pull the timber out.
CB: And that looks fairly recent; when do you think that was?
Marion: About two thousand and five.
CB: Lovely, and eighty-three (MI083) is just the same – same day

Marion: Yeah.
CB: So, eighty-four (MI084)
Marion: Yes. Again this was at Crabhat Pound and it was dedicating the Pound to Brian Ingram and Don Stevens in appreciation of their work for the Commoner.
CB: And that was which year?
Marion: Two thousand and nine.
CB: Okay. So if we start from the left –
Marion: Yes
CB: Can we go through those names.
Marion: Yes, we’ve got
CB: [information redacted] [information redacted]. Is that not [information redacted]?
Marion: No, no, it’s erm Oh, gosh, isn’t it stupid!
CB: Okay. Run through the names for me.
Marion: Yes, in this picture we’ve got [information redacted] standing with his hand on the chair; stood next to him is [information redacted], one of the verderers; and seated we have got [information redacted], [information redacted]; not sure of the chap behind there; Len Mansbridge, [information redacted] and [information redacted].
CB: Lovely. Number eighty-five (MI085)
Marion: Yes. This was preparing the food there and in the picture we have Pat Dunning, [information redacted] and [information redacted].
CB: And remind me what year that was; two thousand –
Marion: Two thousand and nine.
CB: Yes. Eighty-six (MI086)
Marion: Yes. That’s [information redacted] and he’d wheeled his new grandson round to the Drift from his home at Kings Hatch Cottage and he’s talking with [information redacted].
CB: So number eighty-seven. (MI087) Run through these names for me.
Marion: To the fore of the picture, stood, we’ve got [information redacted]; next to him is [information redacted]; and then in the blue shirt leaning against the Pound is [information redacted]; seated is [information redacted] and she is chatting to Len Mansbridge and [information redacted], one of the ex-agisters.
CB: So, eighty-eight (MI088)

Marion: That was Jeff Kitcher and he was having a few words to say about the Pound and the whole idea of the occasion; and Len Mansbridge is also in the picture, but it was going to be unveiling the plaque.
CB: Number eighty-nine (MI089)
Marion: Is everybody gathering to hear the few words that Brian had to say.
CB: That’s lovely. So number ninety (MI090) that’s just a barbecue scene really, isn’t it.
Marion: Yes, it’s still the same day.
CB: So, in the foreground there in the yellow shirt we’ve got [information redacted] –
Marion: Yes, I’m not sure who that is he’s talking to though.
CB: No. So number ninety-one (MI091)
Marion: Would have been the Drift at Colverley and I guess this is the end of the day. And there was enough water in the river there when they’d finished driving to be able to come out and walk down through the stream to wash the horses off. In the fore ground, in the front of the picture we’ve got [information redacted]; behind her with the beard is [information redacted] and then to his left, I’m not sure, is that [information redacted] or – [information redacted]
CB: I’d have said [information redacted].
Marion: Yeah, we think it’s [information redacted]. Not sure about those in the background…
CB: Is that [information redacted]?
Marion: It may be [information redacted], yes; I don’t know who that is in the red jumper. (Rest of sentence indistinct)
CB: Okay. Number ninety-two (MI092)
Marion: Yes – Mike with all his children (Both laugh)
CB: Entertaining –
Marion: Yes. I don’t know who the little one is in the purpley top; but then we have got – and I’m not sure about the lad – is that Charlie? Poking his head round the corner? Could be Charlie…
CB: I think it might be. Oh no, Charlie’s at the front –
(Indecipherable passage both speaking at once)
Marion: – at the front
CB: So we don’t know about –
Marion: Not sure about the one peeping round the back but then we have got – the red-haired lad is [information redacted]; then we’ve got [information redacted], I guess he’s in charge; next to him is [information redacted]; Trying to get away from them is [information redacted]; and then I’m racking my brains on the last one there –
CB: That is [information redacted], that’s [information redacted].
Marion: [information redacted] – Oh, [information redacted]! Of course, it’s a long time ago; two thousand and ten that was.
CB: Lovely.