Marion Ingram, Transcript 2, Part 2
Images: Marion Ingram, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Marion Ingram Trans 2 CH 2 Duration: 5:46
So, number sixty-nine (MI069)
Marion: I’d put it that it’s the ‘posse’ at Furzey Lodge. In the picture we’ve got [information redacted], Brian –
CB: Yeah, [information redacted] on the left, Brian’s central isn’t he.
Marion: Yes and then in the background, from the left to the right we’ve got [information redacted], [information redacted] and in the background, Geoff Kitcher.
CB: Number seventy (MI070)

Marion This is now into 2003 (Telephone rings) That was possibly the first show we held in the new Saleyard
CB: Thought so. So we’ve got [information redacted] with the chestnut to the left middle –
Marion: Yes, and [information redacted] leading the one directly in front. It was obviously a wet day, with all the umbrellas
CB: Okay Number seventy-one (MI071)

Marion: Yeah, Ralph Hayward, very prominent commoner in the south of the Forest; he was also the chairman of the local Denny Lodge Parish Council, and he died and this was a memorial to him at Blackfield Pound.
CB: So number seventy-two (MI072)

Marion: Yes, it’s the Drift at Backley Pound, 2003. Quite a lot of people. In fact the pound is underneath the trees so it’s not terribly clear but I can see one or two people there. We’ve got the – oh, that’s Grandfather-
CB: Leonard with the big cap and red shirt with blue gilet on –
Marion: Yeah and that – the lady, the grey-haired lady, white-grey haired lady behind, would’ve been Tilly Cooper.
CB: Oh, would it –
Marion: I think so, almost certain. Now that, I reckon, stood next to her, is [information redacted].
CB: Yeah. I reckon. Okay, so seventy-three (MI073)

Marion: Yes, this is another – er, this was down, in fact, it was a drift at Broomy and Sloden but it was done to celebrate Brian’s, my husband, his sixty-fifth birthday –
CB: Oh, lovely –
Marion: So I think we had cake and a few things to eat there.
CB: Great. Number seventy-four (MI074)

Marion: Right, in this picture the person sitting on the shooting-stick is Peter Sweet, who’s now since left us.
CB: Okay. And seventy-five (MI075)
Marion: I think this is Brian’s sixty-fifth birthday being continued and in the picture we’ve got [information redacted]; looks as if she’s either about to take a dish of sandwiches or something round or she’s been and collected something to eat for herself.
CB: And this was you think two thousand –
Marion: Two thousand and three it would have been, yes. October, I can – I can’t remember the exact date because I don’t know the drift was on the date but er ..
CB: Okay. Seventy-six (MI076)

Marion: Yes, this again was the Balmer Lawn Drift near Brockenhurst and it was – all ponies are driven into the corner at Balmer Lawn and then they follow the railway line right the way through until we reach Tuckers Bridge, so it’s always quite a sight with all the ponies coming up the side of the railway.
CB: So number seventy-seven (MI077)

Marion: Yes, this was a wild fire on Hilltop; not one of the controlled burns that we prefer to see because when they get too far into the year obviously birds are nesting and so on so we don’t like them then.
CB: No. What year do you think that was; was that about two –
Marion: It was two thousand and – probably two thousand and four.
CB: Okay. (MI077)
Marion: Yes, this would have been the same fire and my little Jack Russell watching intently.
CB: And this – (MI078)

Marion: Now this might have gone back a bit, there was one or two –
CB: Number seventy-nine (MI079)

Marion: Yeah, but there was – somewhere there we had some ponies – when we did one of the others , as I did one of the others … (Rustling noises) there was – there we are. Yeah.
CB: So this is where the fire’s been, is it, d’you think?
Marion: No. I think this was – this was possibly at a different site to the one we’ve just seen, the wild fire; but this would have been just after one of the controlled burns and the ponies enjoying eating – they loved the tops of these. [information redacted] always refers to it “They’ve come to get their toast!” (Both laugh)
CB: Number eighty (MI080)
Marion: Yes this, in this picture, it’s at the pound, at Crabhat Pound we’ve – the’ve got the – it looks like it’s Sam. I believe that’s to do with [information redacted] – I think it’s his sister’s little lad. Young [information redacted] and [information redacted] and they’re playing with our other dog, Snoopy.