Marion Ingram, Transcript 2, Part 1
Interview with Marion Ingram at her home at Hilltop on 9th February, 2017
Images: Marion Ingram, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Marion Ingram Trans 2 CH 1 Duration: 5:07
CB: So this is Clare Bates interviewing Marion Ingram at her home at Hilltop. The date is the 9th of February 2017. So we are on photograph number fifty-five, Marion. (MI055)
Marion: Yes, well that would have been in the pound of Ashurst, the new pound; the old pound used to be down behind Home Farm at Ashurst but it’s not very convenient for getting to the pound so they moved the pound up by the railings of Sandhole railway bridge. (MI056) That’s ponies being brought in, that’s Brian Ingram in the pound; [information redacted] to the left; and [information redacted], I think that is, on the right. I’m not sure who that is in the background.
CB: Okay. So number fifty-seven (MI057)

Marion: Is a picture of when the Sale Yard, the old Sale Yard, was pulled down in preparation for the new one to be erected and in the picture I’m pretty certain we’ve got [information redacted] and Jane – I don’t know what her surname is – and there’s a couple of other people I can’t identify.
CB: Lovely – and that was 2002, wasn’t it.
Marion: Yes.
CB: So, right, number fifty-eight (MI058)

Marion: Is a continuation of the demolition work.
CB: Okay. Fifty-nine (MI059)

Marion: Still more demolition work.
CB: I wonder if that’s like [information redacted] up there. Yeah, I think it is; that one, it looks like – I can’t see it very well.
Marion: Yes, it’s not terribly clear, is it.
CB: No. Anyway: all hard at work. So, sixty (MI060)

Marion: Can’t find the wotsaname. Got the digger still in the background.
CB: Yeah, again, this is 2002
Marion: Yes.
CB: Taking it all apart. So we’ll go on to sixty-one (MI061)

Marion: It looks like we’ve now got an empty site (Both laugh)
CB: It certainly does. Sixty-two (MI062)

Marion: It’s getting the ground prepared for the erection of the new Sale Yard.
CB: And sixty-three is – (MI063)

Marion: This would be the commencement of the Sale Yard in very early stages but you can see the thing all gradually taking shape.
CB: So who funded this, can you remember?
Marion: It’s funded by, I believe, the NPA and I think the Council. We’d have to check it out ‘cos it’s all written on the site at Beaulieu Road.
CB: Yes, that’s lovely, and I guess all the wood came from the Forestry Commission, did it?
Marion: Yes, I’m certain it did. Local timber, I’m sure.
CB: Sixty-four (MI064)

Marion: Yeah, still got the big high poles round the site because to roof on the Sale Yard hadn’t been finalised.
CB: Sixty-five MI065)

Marion: That’s the ring taking shape.
CB: (MI066) And again, ditto really.

Marion: Yes, yeah.
CB: Lovely view, virtually finished I would say there.
Marion: That’s right.
CB: All of these are 2002?
Marion: Yes.
CB: And then this one – (MI068)

Marion: Would have been the first sale, after the ring was rebuilt.
CB: Yes, and that was in – again, that would have been 2002.
Marion: 2002. I can’t remember which sale it was we had the first sale, I don’t think it was the early – the first sale of the year was it. It would possibly have been about September
CB: I don’t remember.
Marion: No. I didn’t do my work there, I didn’t get all the details.
CB: No, but it looks absolutely super.
Marion: Yes, there’s one pony in the ring – oh, now you’ve chopped –
CB: Slightly different picture, I think.
Marion: Maybe
CB: No, but yeah, no –
Marion: That one –
CB: That one.
Marion: That one. And you can just pick out odd people there.
CB: Who’s doing the sale? Who’s the auctioneer there?
Marion: Well I guess it was [information redacted]. That one’s a bit clearer. Yes, I’m certain it would be [information redacted] from Southern Counties Auctioneers.
CB: Yeah. There’s just lots of familiar faces, there’s probably too many –
Marion: Yes
CB: – there to go through all those names.