Marion Ingram, Transcript 1, Part 4
Images: Marion Ingram, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Marion Ingram Trans1 CH4 Duration: 6:11
CB: So, number twenty-one – (MI021)
Marion: Yes, That’s [information redacted] receiving his prize in the point-to-point in nineteen ninety-three, wearing his usual gear for out on the farm.
CB: Yeah, and who’s the lady to his left?
Marion: That is [information redacted].
CB: And behind her…
Marion: Er, oh blimey..
CB: That’s Raymond Stickland.
Marion: Yes, Raymond Stickland, right in the background; and then the announcer is [information redacted], one of the auctioneers from Southern Counties.
CB: Who does all the Beaulieu Road, or used to do all the Beaulieu Road, for us.

Marion: Yes. At the start of the point-to-point in nineteen ninety-four. Started at Aldridge Hill and finished at the Naked Man.
CB: Okay. So that’s number twenty-two we’re talking about –
Marion: Yes.
CB: And in the picture is –
Marion: My father, Len Mansbridge, and he is with Joan Wright, and she used to be the chairman of The Pony Society. But they were good friends, they’d been good friends all their lives.
CB: So number twenty-three – (MI023)

Marion: Yes, is Jean Henvest, she used to live at Lyndhurst, on St. Christopher of Church Place and she was riding in the point-to-point. I think that would have been the Veterans’ Race she was riding in.
CB: Lovely. On to number 24. (MI024) Tell me about this photograph.
Marion: Yes. This is a picture of the finish, they’re all holding their rosettes. A new fun activity they decided to do – at first, for the spectators really – and it was Cushion Polo. You had teams of four –
CB: Okay –
Marion: And, um, John Broughton organised it and he was the polo man sort of thing and they called themselves the Forest Flies ‘cos they were pretty sharp (Laughter)
CB: Okay.
Marion: And in the picture we’ve got [information redacted], he’s got number five on him –
CB: Yes, the far left, [information redacted] –
Marion: And that would’ve been with… Can’t think what the pony was called, now. No, can’t think. Um, and then, [information redacted] with his – the horse he rode of the day; Don Stevens with his rider and then Brian, and he’s with – he’s got Flicker, and that was, we reckon, about nineteen sixty-ish.
CB: Okay. What were they trying to um… for the spectators; whose event was it?
Marion: It was for the Pony Society. It was just an added thing for the show.
CB: For their main show, to draw the crowds in, to have a laugh…
Marion: Yeah, yeah.
CB: And on to number twenty-five. (MI025)

Marion: Yes. A terrible picture – that was me on Flicker, we’re obviously having our instructions for the Drift that day; and Jeff Kitcher on his horse.
CB: And which Pound was that?
Marion: That was – Oh, at Crab Hat Pound, that’s the one not terribly far from Beaulieu.
CB: I know. And that was when, roughly.
Marion: Roughly in – some time in the ‘sixties, early sixties.
CB: Okay. Number twenty-six – (MI026)

Marion: Is a Drift at Balmer Lawn. Drove up the Drift Way then, towards Trim Holly Pound, I believe it was. Nineteen seventy-seven. And in the picture we’ve got Cecil Tillyer to the left; then Brian in the middle with his arms raised; and Mrs. Dunlop. She used to live at Bull Hill Farm many years ago, then she moved to Sway, and then she emigrated to New Zealand.
CB: Okay, so she was a Commoner?
Marion: She was a Commoner. Yup. Her ponies were the Bull Hill Ponies.
CB: Okay – so number twenty-seven, now. (MI027)
Marion: Yes. This is [information redacted] right, on his pony; and we’re obviously up on the top somewhere and I should think he’s seen ponies disappearing somewhere, so he’s just pointing it out to the other people.
CB: Do you know roughly the year?
Marion: Not really; I should say in the ‘seventies.
CB: ‘Seventies. That’s [information redacted].
Marion: Yeah.
CB: Now, so number twenty-eight – (MI028)
Marion: Yes, um, this would have been at Burley Show, nineteen seventy-eight, and they used to always have a Fancy Dress Class then; and, for whatever reason, [information redacted] on Mopley Sir Galahad, which was one of [information redacted], and we dressed her up as the Queen.
CB: Fantastic! That’s lovely. And number twenty-nine (MI029) That’s a nice Drift scene.

Marion: Yes, this would have been a Drift at Pilley in nineteen eighty-nine. Difficult to identify all the people, but the person in a white shirt holding a whip is Brian; and then to his left is [information redacted]; I’m not sure on whether that’s [information redacted] to his right, and I’m not too sure about the others in the picture.
CB: So they look like they’ve just had a good gallop and they’re heading back. They look quite sweaty, don’t they? So, number thirty. (MI030)
Marion: This again
is the pony drift at Pilley in nineteen eighty-nine and it looks as if they’re
riding through the – what used to be the allotments, just by the Pound and in
the picture we’ve got [information redacted] –
CB: Far left.
Marion: Yeah. Then [information redacted] with a brown hat on; [information redacted] in a very slouched position; and [information redacted].