Marion Ingram, Transcript 1, Part 2
Images: Marion Ingram, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Marion Ingram Trans1 CH2 Duration: 6:27
CB: And number five (MI005)
Marion: Again this is the point-to-point and finished again at Bolton’s Bench. I can’t remember where they started that year, but Brian was riding… I haven’t got the name there, I jer – oh, yeah it does say – Jill; and she belonged to [information redacted] – or the Ralphs family, I’m not sure if it was Sandra, she used to use her most, but she – that was in the Open Race and Sandra wasn’t old enough to be able to ride in that race, so that’s why they gave Brian the chance to ride her. So ‘course no hats were required at that time (laughs)
CB: Scary, isn’t it? And that was Brian winning.
Marion: He won, yes.
CB: He won, and that was in nineteen sixty-five.
Marion: Yeah.
CB: Lovely. So, number six. (MI006)
Marion: Is [information redacted], and he would have been about twelve at the time, riding Oakdene Laddie that belonged to [information redacted] at Furzey Lodge. And again, I’m pretty certain he won his race. But again nobody was too worried about clothing being correct or anything, it was generally jeans. (Chuckles)
CB: Get on and go. So that was the same year, nineteen sixty-five?
Marion: Yeah. At (Polston?).
CB: So number seven (MI007)
Marion: Picture that was published in ‘The Echo’ if I remember right and [information redacted] and [information redacted] both rode. [information redacted] was riding – he’s holding Wootton Starflight and that was his rider and [information redacted] is holding Deerleap Zara. Um, yes that was the year that they started up towards Ladycross and finished up on Lovely Hill; and Zara was quite a goer and she, she – well, I walked down, on down – that was the first year she rode her in the point-to-point – to see where they were, and I thought “Oh, there’s something coming.” Well, she’d finished and was off the horse and everything before the next horse arrived!
CB: Wow!
Marion: So she was a very fast mare.
CB: And that was nineteen eighty-five.
Marion: Yeah.
CB: Lovely.
Marion: Yeah.
CB: Number eight. (MI008)
Marion: Yes, that was the following year in nineteen eighty-six and my dad, Len Mansbridge, he rode in it. And that was to satisfy a wish of his brother because he was dy- he had cancer badly, and he was coming towards the end, and one of his wishes was to see his brother ride in the point-to-point again.
CB: So Leonard’s in the middle on the grey and then, who’s on the left?
Marion: And that’s [information redacted] on the left on Wootton Starflight. And [information redacted] is on the right, and he is on Ridgeway – her proper name was Ridgeway Sugarplum, but she was always known as Popcorn.
CB: Popcorn.
Marion: And she took on Popcorn after [information redacted].
CB: Oh, okay.
Marion: And he took on Pop – yeah. ‘Cos she used to be ours, and then, when we got Starflight, he, er, [information redacted] fancied her.
CB: Oh, okay.
Marion: But, anyhow, that was the reason dad rode in it. He didn’t come anywhere, but it was just, just, to sort of fulfill the wish.
CB: Oh, that’s lovely. Lovely. So, number nine. (MI009)

Marion: Yeah. And that was – is dad on the grey mare, but I don’t know what she was called.
CB: So that was the same year.
Marion: The same year.
CB: So, Leonard Mansbridge –
Marion: Nineteen eighty-six.
CB: Fulfilling his brother’s wish.
Marion: Yes, that was in Whitley Wood Car Park where they met.
CB: Oh, okay.
Marion: And I can’t remember… Don’t know where the children went to start that year, but the older ones, they took them down to Pondhead.
CB: Oh, okay.
Marion: And again, in that race, which was – [information redacted] won it again and she came in streets in front of everybody (Laughter). But I think she was lucky because there were a lot of them; there were a lot of clay holes between Pondhead and the Underpass but Zara happened to be one of those, she’d just skip over the top and, of course, she just left them all there ..?.. (Laughter)
CB: So, number ten. (MI010)
Marion: Yeah. Oh, sorry, yeah. This was [information redacted] on Popcorn, at the point-to-point nineteen eighty-six and – hang on a minute, I can’t remember whether he came anywhere now, or not, but…
CB: It’s funny how these days we’ve all gone out in our colours –
Marion: Yeah
CB: And in those days you wore what you wore in the morning.
Marion: Yeah, when you went riding. Yeah’
CB: Number eleven. (MI011)
Marion: This is still at Aldridge Hill and that was Ralph Hayward, he obviously won the veteran’s race.
CB: Lovely.
Marion: And he’s having his prize presented by Pat Mangin –
CB: Okay.
Marion: I guess she was the president that year.
CB: Right. And the little boy underneath the arm?
Marion: I think that was – It looks like it’s [information redacted].
CB: And above him, in what looks like a suede coat –
Marion: Yes.
CB: Sheepskin coat –
Marion: It looks like it’s – that’s my mother –
CB: That’s Joyce
Marion: Yeah. And then, stood to her right is – I think it would be Mrs. Cook.
CB: Yes, and then as we look at the photograph, on the right, just next to Mr. – Ralph was –
Marion: Mr. Hayward.
CB: Mr. Hayward, sorry.
Marion: It looks like it’s [information redacted].
CB: Lovely. And that was in nineteen eighty-six.
Marion: Yeah.