Lyndhurst Auxiliary Unit Patrol

Information on this patrol comes from the British Resistance Archive and is compiled by Dr Will Ward CART CIO for Dorset who also volunteers for the the New Forest National Park Authority

Name DOB Occupation  Died
Sgt. J H Adams 03/02/1894 Forester
Pte. George Ben Broomfield 28/02/1904 Forester 1981
Pte. Henry Charles Barnes 18/08/1892
Pte. Frederick C Core 07/08/1880 1946
Pte. Edward Augustus Soffe 31/08/1901 1965
Pte. E H S Wilson 03/04/1919
Pte. J Collins 29/03/1895
Pte. Lionel Benjamin Wren 29/6/1888 Keeper Posted to 9th Bn HG Jan 1943 1948

The patrol names for the west of Hampshire and the New Forest have been identified from National Archives file WO199/3391, but are not divided by patrol. The nominal roll gives the surname, initials, ID card number and address, together with date of birth. The patrols have been arranged according to the addresses and ID card numbers around known patrol leaders. This means the allocations may not be completely accurate. Additional personal information such as first names and dates of death have been added using the 1911 census, and Some men, particularly those from the Ringwood area where there are several patrols, could not be allocated with any confidence to one patrol or another, so are listed here.

Sergeant Adams and George Broomfield both lived in Forester’s cottages so were likely employed in this role. They lived at Denny Lodge and Lodge Hill respectively. Lionel Wren was a Keeper, an Official appointment, which merited mention in the London Gazette in 1936.

You can find out more about the other New Forest patrols on this site here: Churchill’s Secret Army

Or by visiting the main Coleshill House article here:

Date: 1940

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