Kerry Newton Part 2
Images: Kerry Newton, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Kerry Newton CH2 Duration: 2:28
CB: Great. And this one here. (KN005)

Kerry: So, that’s David Niven. He’s getting that previous horse ready for going on to the cart. And that was up against the wall that was… Ron always used to tie the horses up against this wall ‘cos it was quite strong and he didn’t ever use any bailer twine, he’d always just put the nylon halter attached…put a knot in the halter.
CB: Yeah.
Kerry: And then actually attach it to the ring; so if they pulled back, they wouldn’t get very far.
CB: That’s lovely
Kerry: So that looks like it was – I think most of these were round the same time; this little –
CB: I was going to say, Shetland pony in the background –
Kerry: Yeah, little Shetland pony, came over from Jersey and, er, Oliver, that was its name, Oliver.
CB: That’s not you there?
Kerry: No.
CB: I suppose you’re taking the photo.
Kerry: Yeah.
CB: Okay, lovely.
Kerry: Don’t know who that is.
CB: Right, and then number six, photo. (KN006)
Kerry: So this is Ron again on one of his wagons. He was alongside a young girl, [information redacted]; she’s from the forest, she’s quite a forest family. She used to go down and help him quite a lot. Ron bred this palomino here; it was born September the first, so he named it September and this horse, I think, was probably more established, so he had the young horses next to it.
CB: To teach them, yes.
Kerry: Yeah. Yeah. But that was actually in his field. When a horse came to be broken in, he’d always take it around the field first, he’d never take it straight out on the road. So he always went round in this field.
CB: Brilliant. Lovely. And then the last one? (KN007)
Kerry: So this little Shetland pony came over from Jersey, his name was Oliver and he was one of a pair actually but this little one was so good that Ron let my daughters Emma and Laura – Emma’s on the left, Laura’s on the right – he’d let him drive … them –
CB: And Ron sat on the back –
Kerry: Ron sat on the back, always, the first couple of times; and then he’d jump off and let them go up and down the road on their own.
CB: Brilliant.
Kerry: Yeah, so that was, yeah, lovely.
CB: Okay, that’s great, thank you very much.
Kerry: You’re welcome.