Ernie Mansbridge Part 2
Images: copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Ernie Mansbridge CH2 Duration: 3:57
CB: So this is the thatched cottage – (EM004)

Ernie: That’s Uncle Frank, yeah.
CB: Uncle Frank, Frank Mansbridge.
Ernie: Yeah. He lived in the thatched cottage what’s there now. That’s the same old cottage, only it’s been altered a little bit.
CB: And what did you say it’s called?
Ernie: Staplewood Lane.
CB: Oh, Staplewood Lane.
Ernie: On the left going down, the first one you comes to after you go in this end.
CB: I know.
Ernie: Yeah.
CB: Yeah, that’s old isn’t it.
Ernie: That was Frank, yeah, he was getting on a bit, that one is, ‘cos they had the old swallowtail porch they cut him off when they done him the last time, so you don’t want to mess about with all that, messin’ about, He said “Well, I’ll put the porch on arterwards ………?because it was easier………but he wouldn’t have that, so he left the porch on.
CB: Okay
Ernie: For the cats used to live up there.
CB: Oh, did they.
Ernie: In the roof, yes. There’s one, he died. Joe Bell? come round, and said about it, what there was up there an’ that, I didn’t have a clue what there was. I shot one ….?…. Never ‘ad no complaints from ’em (Both laugh)
CB: So when – what sort of time was that photo taken, do you think?
Ernie: (Pause) I don’t know, ‘cos I could get it you know if I looked back through that registry to see when he was married an’ that, as time went but um – (Pause) around about the twenties or (Pause) somewhere like that.
CB: That’s a lovely picture, isn’t it.
Ernie: Yeah, that’s it, ‘cos that gate – she did tell me how many years she’d had that gate, it was painted, always painted white. Everything else was all black on the house, but that gate had to be kept white, and old Sid Drake, lodged there at the time, course he painted the bugger black didn’t he. He made him come straight home and scrape it off ‘fore he’d had his tea or anything and he had to repaint it back. They was a rum old crowd, I tell you. But there always used to be a white owl used to nest under there. That went right through that, like that, and he had erm –
CB: Under the porch, wow.
Ernie: An’ old Frank used to …?….up there ‘n catch ’em..?… She used to moan ’bout it…?….didn’t do much harm…?…..
CB: Lovely, thanks.
(There seems to be a break in the conversation at this point)
Ernie: Anna Mansbridge.. and Flo Benham and Elizabeth Stride Mansbridge. (EM005)

CB: Okay.
Ernie: That’s Elizabeth Stride Mansbridge, is it?
CB: On the right?
(Confusion of female voices in which ‘Florrie’ is mentioned)
Ernie: Yeah… They’ve got me, I wouldn’t know, it’s afore my time. (Pause) They’ve got so I can’t reckon – can’t replace any of them.
CB: But we definitely know the lady on the right was… who did you say, Elizabeth…Stride.
Ernie: Yeah. It relates back into they Strides, I knows that.
CB: Okay.
(Sound of tape restarting.)
CB: So this looks like – (EM006)

Ernie: Yes, that’s The White Horse, photo? Southampton. I can’t think o’ the name, the old bloke down the road’ll tell you straight away, ‘cos as they carting poles out, look.
CB: It’s timber. Sort of timber haulage.
Ernie: Yeah. God, I can’t think who that is out ..?.. That’s a little …?… used to … ?… Three or four on ’em there look. All got horses and carts, they been in for a top up of petrol or their own, I reckon, in that old pub.
(Indecipherable mix of voices)
Ernie: Yeah, the other side of Southampton. I got …?… ‘ll know straight away, ‘cos he used to live next to it. Hanged if I can think of it.
CB: Don’t worry. Might remember in a bit.
Ernie: Yeah, he’ll remember. It might come back to me, but he’ll remember, he told me where it was ‘cos we tried several places ….?…. people said and soon as I give it to him he said “White Horse and so and so”, and he told me straight off where it was, you know, he knew, I’ll find it off him, and I’ll give you a ring.
CB: Okay, yeah.
Ernie: …?…
CB: All right, that’s lovely.