Caroline Stride, Transcript1, Part 12
Images: Caroline Page, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Caroline Stride Trans 1 CH12 Duration: 7:15
CB: Number 17 (CS117)
Caroline: This is Richard, husband Richard Stride at Bolderwood making some fencing stakes out of chestnut and that was probably in the ‘eighties.
CB: Number eighteen (CS118)

Caroline: This is a burning, a controlled burning on the Forest and the gentlemen who are walking round with the beaters, I think one of them in the centre there is Mr. Kitcher in this – [information withheld] actually.
CB: Okay –
Caroline: The one to the right of the picture I think is probably [information withheld].
CB: Number nineteen (CS119)
Caroline: This is a Stallion Passing at Beaulieu Road, the Spring Passing. The person leading the pony I think is possibly [information withheld], as a younger man. Not sure who’s right in the background but centre in the foreground is Leonard Mansbridge; the person stood directly behind is [information withheld]; I’m not sure who the lady is right behind but going to the right of the picture is Eric Young with the walking stick; and the gentleman to the right of the picture is David Stagg and Eric Young and David Stagg at the time would have been verderers.
CB: Okay. Number twenty (CS120) So another –
Caroline: So here’s another stallion passing at Beaulieu Road and in the foreground the person who is leading ponies is Richard Stride with – I’m not sure what stallion that was and the person stood behind slightly to the right of the picture is his brother John Stride
CB: But leading the other ponies
Caroline: Leading the other pony, yeah –
CB: They’ve got two stallions –
Caroline: And the judges at the time were a mixture of the pony breeders and the verderers so the gentleman walking away with the mac on to the left of the pony was Archie Cleveland, then you have Eric Young leant on his stick to the left of Archie Cleveland; the person over the top is David Stagg –
CB: The tall chap –
Caroline: The tall chap with the grey hair. Slightly to the right is a man with a mac is Leonard Mansbridge, old Leonard Mansbridge; the lady stood looking at the ponies side view on is Dionis MacNair; the other lady is Joan Wright. I think in the distance in the background, I think it’s probably Robert, our eldest son, watching the proceedings.
CB: Okay. Number twenty-one (CS121)
Caroline: This is a picture of the ponies being driven out of the enclosures, it was one of the activities that the Forestry Commission did in the ‘eighties and ‘nineties under the instruction or under the guidance of Richard my husband who was working for the Forestry Commission at the time all through his working life and he would organise round ups in the enclosures because ponies weren’t allowed in the enclosures, so there they are, mounted, in the enclosure, so to the left of the picture is Richard; next to him is [information withheld]; the other side of the gravel track going right is [information withheld]; and then the person who is stood up engaging in conversation with Bob Mansbridge is Raymond Stride, Richard’s younger brother.
CB: Twenty-two (CS122)
Caroline: This is a picture of Richard on er, riding, and to the centre right and followed by [information withheld]. I think if we were to see this picture a bit closer, the pony is being led, but I – the foal – perhaps I’m wrong. Erm, not sure.
CB: Mmm. Okay. Twenty-three (CS123)
Caroline: Now this picture was taken at the opening of the museum in Lyndhurst and they had a forge there to heat the brands up as big as a door, the stable door which is still within the New Forest Centre. All commoners were invited to brand their brand on the door, so here you see pictures, a picture of individuals. Starting on the left of the picture is Archie Ings and stood next to him in the blue anorak jacket is Tilly Cooper; then the lady with the blonde hair, fairer hair, is [information withheld]; the lady who’s looking away [information withheld] (?) now; not sure who the person with the back view is –
CB: That looks like [information withheld] –
Caroline: I would say it’s [information withheld] but – then [information withheld] in the background there
CB: Oh, it is!
Caroline: Then Terry Jones, the agister; the tall person, working towards the right of the picture, John Booth; he is stood directly behind Raymond Bennett; the person with the patterned jumper on I think is [information withheld]; the little boy stood there looking directly at the picture is [information withheld], John Booth’s son; the child in the arms [information withheld], again John and [information withheld] daughter; and holding [information withheld], mum. That was when they were out – And this lady here is Terry Jones’ wife, [information withheld].
CB: Rose, that’s right. Okay, and that was nineteen eighty-eight.
Caroline: Nineteen eighty-eight, yes.