Caroline Stride, Transcript 2, Part 4
Images: Caroline Page, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Caroline Stride Trans2 CH4 Duration: 5:54
CB: Okay. Fifty-two (CS252)
Caroline: That’s at Bolderwood, at our home at the time: Robert riding and Philip, our youngest bunking up –
CB: Yeah, pillion –
Caroline: Yeah, in the front
CB: Okay.
Caroline: And the pigs went for a walk with them as well.
Caroline: Now this is a picture of, I would say, possibly at the races, point-to-point races one Christmas. The person leading the pony – the horse – I guess would’ve just taken part in the races, is Raymond Stride, my younger brother-in-law; on the pony, the little one with the red boots is Sarah Stride, Raymond’s daughter; and sat behind her is [information withheld], and the person walking alongside is [information withheld] – as young children.
CB: Oh, lovely. Fifty-four (CS254)
Caroline: Fifty-four, this is a picture of out in the forest with Peter Brown to the left of the picture and [information withheld]. They worked together a lot of the time through the ‘eighties and early ‘nineties, so they were into a lot of splitting of oak for cleft fencing, pale fencing, and they were on different projects for a long time.
CB: And did they – was that Forestry Commission work?
Caroline: Yeah. Forestry Commission work.
CB: Fifty five (CS255)
Caroline: And there you see them actually splitting out oak or chestnut to make the palings and you can see the paling fence.
CB: Lovely.
Caroline: Ah, now that’s a picture of us, Richard, my husband, with his arm on the trailer; we went down to see a commoner down in the south of the Forest, [information withheld], lived at Norley Wood, and we bought an old Forest cart off him, an old Forest truck. I think that’s what we must’ve had loaded up on the trailer. Yeah.
CB: Okay. Fifty-seven (CS257)
Caroline: Right now, not really sure where this picture was taken. It’s at the point-to-point start I would say, and in the picture to the left I’m stood with Philip our youngest son; in front of me was Richard and Andrew stood directly in front of him, our middle son; Richard is talking to Bob Mansbridge and walking over to him would be [information withheld] and his daughter [information withheld]; and behind him is walking, [information withheld]. The huntsman in the background, I can’t be absolutely certain or the person in the hunt uniform I can’t really say.
CB: Mmm. Okay. Again… (CS258) That’s Longdown, isn’t it?
Caroline: That is Longdown, isn’t it. I wonder if that other one – I think it was Longdown. This one on the grey is [information withheld] –
CB: Heading for the kids’ race –
Caroline: I would say, possibly, to the far right was Robert, our eldest son, with the number 4 on
CB: Oh, okay. Yeah.
Caroline: Mmm
CB: Lovely. (CS259) Is that anyone you know?

Caroline: I don’t know this person on the – That might’ve been the year that they finished at Hilltop. It was a very, very foggy morning, I remember.
CB: It’s just a good shot for the point-to-point. Number sixty (CS260)

Caroline: Yeah. Well I would probably say the number 1 is Raymond Bennett and number 2 – it might be one of the Miss Mangins.
CB: Okay. He’s in red, so – [information withheld] always wears red, doesn’t he –
Caroline: Yeah, he does.
CB: I can see Bert there, but is it John?
Caroline: My guess is this is the Veterans.
CB: Oh, okay. Did he do the Veterans, yeah, of course he did.
Caroline: Yes.
CB: I think that’s your father-in-law.
Caroline: Yeah. I think –
CB: I think there’s a photo in a minute with him collecting his prize.
Caroline: Okay. Okay.
CB: (Indistinct) (CS261)
Caroline: There’s – There on the grey pony, probably – ‘What went wrong in the races’, I think, looking at Jessie Winter’s expression – What happened next? And this lady here is Steve Lane’s wife, Sheila, and I’m stood there behind, yeah.
CB: Number sixty-two (CS262)
Caroline: And this is Charlotte Stride; not sure what the pony was but obviously it was when she was riding in the Childrens’ Race … at Longdown.
CB: And how old do you think she was there?
Caroline: Twelve or fourteen?
CB: I would have said the same, actually.
Caroline: Yeah.