Caroline Stride, Transcript 2, Part 3
Caroline Stride Trans2 CH3 Duration: 6:49
CB: Brilliant. Okay. And forty-two (CS242)
Caroline: Again, this was the rodeo; again, I think it’s possibly up at Fritham; not sure who that rider is there, but the ponies came out of this chute, this sort of penning area here and then they were sort of just let free to go out –
CB: And hold on tight –
Caroline: And hold tight, yeah.
CB: Okay, forty-three (CS243)
Caroline: Oh, right. Yeah, and behind the scenes there were lots of people working; and we had a barbecue as well and to the left of the picture we have [information withheld] and Buzz Terry in the white coat there putting sausages in the pan – we did hot dogs and beef burgers and they were very well received by anyone there at the rodeo. My mother in law, Vera Stride, with the long-handled slice there and myself here probably waiting for the beef burgers to come out of the pan or something, because it looks as though they’ve got the buns ready.
CB: That’s lovely. Forty-four (CS244)
Caroline: Ah, now, this must be on one of the round-ups, not sure where that would’ve been. I can only sort of identify two riders: on the chestnut to the left of the picture is [information withheld], [information withheld] wife; and to the right of the picture on the big chestnut is John Booth, the agister at the time.
CB: Okay. Forty-five (CS245)
Caroline: Another drift picture: on the left of the picture, that would be [information withheld] – no, tell a lie: on the chestnut with the white blaze, that’s [information withheld]; not sure who it is on the black; on the grey is [information withheld]; I would say on the fourth one in, the black pony, is possibly Colin Moore; on the bay, the lady on the bay is [information withheld] –
CB: With the blue t-shirt –
Caroline: Yeah, with the blue t-shirt on; on the appaloosa pony, I would say that’s [information withheld]
CB: Okay –
Caroline: Looking away.
CB: Right. Forty-six (CS246)

Caroline: Now this is a picture of John Booth and he was an agister, possibly at this time, I’m sure he would have been still; mounted on the pony is Raymond Bennett.
CB: Forty-seven (CS247)

Caroline: This day – a picture of the colt hunters; I would say [information withheld] to the right, [information withheld], the third horse back from the right; Richard fourth; probably John Booth behind Richard –
CB: Can’t really see –
Caroline: The others, yeah, yeah; but I fancy that’s down Burley, down Woods Corner.
CB: Yeah, yeah. Does look like it, actually.
Caroline: Yeah.
CB: And again that’s ‘eighties.
Caroline: Yeah, I would say in the ‘eighties.
CB: Forty eight (CS248)
Caroline: Well, a little bevy of young commoners of the day: um, it’s me, stood there overseeing the poking of the fire; I would say this is probably the back view, to the right is Philip; the middle of the three boys is Andrew and Robert, Robert poking the fire. The other two…
CB: I’m not sure who they are, they don’t look very familiar.
Caroline: I’ve got some ideas but I don’t think I’d better say it in case I’m wrong because I – I just don’t know; but certainly that is Woods Corner.
CB: Yeah. Forty-nine (CS249)
Caroline: Right, obviously they’ve just loaded something up in Jim’s lorry, I should think, [information withheld] being centre of the picture; Richard stood there grinning straight at the camera and I’m not sure what John’s doing, but he’s probably just – (The look on Richard’s face!?*)
CB: Okay, number fifty (CS250)
Caroline: Oh, right, this is at Beaulieu Road along the same time as well, I would say the late ‘eighties. The lady in the ring is Tilly Cooper and she’s obviously showing off her pony, or foal she’s got in the ring and
CB: Right. Can’t see any other –
Caroline: Well, the gentleman just alongside the rostrum there with the hat and with a white jacket underneath his winter coat is Johnny Burden who was a dealer who came up –
CB: Big dealer wasn’t he. Used to buy –
Caroline: Yeah.
CB: Okay. Number fifty-one (CS251)
Caroline: That’s Robert, our son Robert riding his little, their first pony, Beeby; he was a Welsh Mountain and that’s taken just – Bratley View, looking down towards Bratley Enclosure at Bolderwood.
CB: And how long ago d’you think that…? What is he, about ten there?
Caroline: Yeah. Yeah, I would say, yeah, he might’ve been a bit older; I’d say it was in the early……. I’m looking at the little one who’s trying to be an aeroplane behind and that’s Philip; and he must’ve been three or four then, so I’d have said that would be late ‘eighties, actually.