Caroline Stride, Transcript 2, Part 2
Images: Caroline Page, copyright reserved. For any rights requests, please contact the New Forest Heritage Centre in the first instance.
Caroline Stride Trans2 CH2 Duration: 6:16
CB: Lovely. Thank you Number thirty-four (CS234)

Caroline: Just a scene actually of the pony sales and the activity that’s going on. Nobody actually comes to the fore that I can easily recognise, but just the interest in the ponies. From the nineteen eighties onwards there was quite an influx of coloured ponies coming in; of course, they’re not New Forest ponies but there was a lot of interest with travelling people with coloured ponies and they seemed to be quite a lot of them about at the present time.
CB: Mm Mm. Right, thirty-five (CS235)

Caroline: This is actually a pony round-up, pony drift and to the left of the picture I would say that was John Stride riding ‘Brusher’, a riding horse he had at the time and that’s my husband almost centre of the picture on a grey and that was Laddie, yeah.
CB: Where is this, can you -?
Caroline: It doesn’t look very familiar to me. I ought to know. I would say …. I’d like to say Durr Hill but I’m not sure; I ought to know, but I don’t.
CB: Okay. No worries.
Caroline: In the Burley area somewhere, I think.
CB: Yeah. Thirty-six (CS236)

Caroline: Right, well that’s coming from a different angle – Looking at that picture, it’s the same riders –
CB: Yeah.
Caroline: Yeah.
CB: It’s a nice group photo. Mmm, thirty-seven (CS237)
Caroline: Now this is Silver Sands Bridge at Burley and to the left of the picture is Richard. They’re probably holding them up from the round-up they’ve had at Silver Sands Pound and they hold them on the railway bridge there; and the person to the right of the picture looking away, is his brother, John Stride.
CB: Lovely. Thirty-eight (CS238)
Caroline: This is the same pound actually, I would say, at Silver Sands and the left of the picture is Richard, in the blue jumper is John Stride; And the fellow with his back to us here is Kenny Rostagina and both our family and certainly Kenny Rostagina had ponies running in the Burley area. That area would have been Durr Hill, Thorny Hill, out to the Crow Road, all that sort of area.
CB: Yeah. Okay. Thirty-nine (CS239)
Caroline: Ah, now, this picture is, I think, when they were rounding up stallions. I don’t know if this was for the rodeo or whether it was just rounding up stallions but to the left of the picture that’s Jonathan Gerrelli; next to him is Jeff Kitcher; next to him is Jimmy Winter; and Richard coming behind on the grey.
CB: When do you think that was?
Caroline: Again, in the eighties I would say.
CB: Okay. And forty (CS240)
Caroline: Well I would say they’ve caught a stallion there because there’s this – on the left of the picture there’s a stallion being held by Richard Deakin. This picture, actually, was of members of the New Forest Stallion Syndicate and they were formed in the late nineteen seventies, but eighties and still present day, two thousand and seventeen are still running as an organisation or syndicate that turns stallions out on the forest or try to achieve a good type of stallion to run out on the Forest. And I guess this was one of the Syndicate’s stallions. So the person holding the stallion as I’ve already said is Richard Deakin; Jeff Kitcher mounted on the chestnut; his back to us is Jimmy Winter, and Richard on the grey.
CB: Forty-one (CS241)
Caroline: Yeah, this actually is at the rodeo and this I would say is Colin Moore trying his luck at an untamed New Forest pony riding. This was probably at Fritham and we had some rodeos at Fritham and centre of the picture with a flat cap on and a clipboard in hand is Mike Eccles and he was a judge and he’d probably count how many bucks the pony put in before they unseated the rider. He’s been a great supporter of all Forest activities and societies, so he was involved in that as well.
CB: Who’s that chap behind the lorry there? Is that Billy Howells? No, can’t be, can it?
Caroline: Well, I don’t think it is. Similar, but I don’t think it is him; but he’s a familiar face so I ought to know who it is.
CB: Okay – what was it in aid of?
Caroline: Funds for –
CB: Commoners’ Defence or (..?..)
Caroline: I think it was for Stallions Syndicate.
CB: Oh, Stallions Syndicate, yeah, okay.
Caroline: I think the funds went for Stallions Syndicate.