A new website for Netley Marsh

Congratulations to the Netley Marsh Parish History Group on the launch of their new website: netleymarshparishhistorygroup.co.uk

This website seeks to add extra information and keep the history of the parish up to date. You can also find information on their meeting, events and publications. Two very good documents record the history of the parish, The Netley Marsh Parish Plan and 100 Years of Parish Life. This information, together with many previously unseen photographs, oral histories and articles written by members, has been added to the website to enable more people to discover the history of the parish.

The Netley Marsh History Group website has been made possible thanks to funding from the HLF Our Past, Our Future Project.

The Netley Marsh Parish History Group was formed in 2017 and new members and visitors are always welcome. In the early days of the group, memory recording sessions were held, where local people recalled their memories on various themes – schools, shops, sports groups etc. The evening on Pubs was particularly fruitful with many happy memories recalled! Local speakers gave talks on many topics, including the Gamekeeper Pub and the Light family, the history of the Scout Group, the Women’s Institute and the founding and work of Tools for Self-Reliance.


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