Name Kirkland, John; Cox, Ann; Blyton, Ann; Blyton, William; Lambert, Mr. Occupation: Clerk to the …

Description: Name(s): Kirkland, John; Cox, Ann; Blyton, Ann; Blyton, William; Lambert, Mr. Occupation: Clerk to the Guardians of the Southwell Union. Places mentioned: Wellow; Wainfleet. Corporations: Poor Law Board; Spilsby Union. Content: Folio 285. Letter from John Kirkland, Clerk to the Guardians of the Southwell Union, to the Poor Law Board, reporting a proposed case of non-resident relief for their approval. The case involves Ann Cox, 66 years, belonging to Wellow and receiving 2/6 weekly relief. She wishes to reside with her daughter, Ann Blyton, and her husband William Blyton, labourer, at Wainfleet in the Spilsby Union. Ann Cox is very infirm with only one leg. The guardians have no objection and seek the Board's sanction. The Spilsby Union guardians will administer the proposed relief in the manner proscribed by the General Consolidated Order. Annotated Mr Lambert, 30 May 1857, to sanction..
Date: 27/05/1857
Last import: September 11, 2017

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