Debtor: Richard atte Hanger {Hangr} of the New Forest in Hants. Creditor: Master Thomas Creve, …

Description: Debtor: Richard atte Hanger {Hangr} of the New Forest in Hants. Creditor: Master Thomas Creve, Rector of the church of Fawley {Falle} [Bishops Waltham Hundred, Hants.]. Amount: £16 6s. 8d. Before whom: John le Clerk, Mayor of Southampton; Thomas de Kington, Clerk. When taken: 08/11/1371 First term: 01/05/1372 Last term: 01/05/1372 Writ to: Sheriff of Hants Sent by: Philip Cake, Mayor of Southampton; Thomas Bromley, Clerk. Endorsement: Suth't Coram Justic' de Banco in quindena Pasche p'x futur'.
Date: 30/01/1386
Last import: September 11, 2017

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