Debtor: Gilbert Giffard, knight, lord of Cromhall {Croum’hale}, merchant, of Glos. Creditor: Thomas Hungerford, merchant, …

Description: Debtor: Gilbert Giffard, knight, lord of Cromhall {Croum'hale}, merchant, of Glos. Creditor: Thomas Hungerford, merchant, of Wilts. Amount: £160, for merchandise bought from him. Before whom: John Bath, Mayor of Bristol; John Woodrow, Clerk. When taken: 21/07/1372 First term: 10/08/1372 Last term: 10/08/1372 Writ to: Sheriff of Glos Sent by: Walter Derby, Mayor of Bristol; John Woodrow, Clerk. Endorsement: Glouc' Coram Iusticiariis de Banco retornabile in Octabis Purificacionis beate Marie.
Date: 25/10/1380
Last import: September 11, 2017

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