Debtor: Alexander de Tarrant Gunville {Tarente Goundevill’} of [Cranborne Hundred] Dorset. Creditor: John atte Hale, …

Description: Debtor: Alexander de Tarrant Gunville {Tarente Goundevill'} of [Cranborne Hundred] Dorset. Creditor: John atte Hale, merchant of Dorset [John and his wife, Margaret, held a fee in Tarrant Keyneston, Pimperne Hundred, and half a fee in Coombe Keynes [Wonford Hundred, Dorset] Amount: £40. Before whom: Thomas de Hungerford, Mayor, and Keeper of the Mayor's Seal at Salisbury; Ellis Farman, Clerk. When taken: 29/03/1352 First term: 29/09/1352 Last term: 29/09/1352 Writ to: Sheriff of Dorset Sent by: Robert de Godmanstone, Keeper of the Mayor's Seal at Salisbury; William de Dounton, Clerk. Endorsement: Dors' Coram Justic' in XV Pasch'.
Date: 11/03/1355
Last import: September 11, 2017

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