Debtor: John atte Grange {Graunge}, of Leicester [a borough in Leics.]. Creditor: John Ellingham {Elyngham}, …

Description: Debtor: John atte Grange {Graunge}, of Leicester [a borough in Leics.]. Creditor: John Ellingham {Elyngham}, a citizen and stockfishmonger of London. Amount: £40. Before whom: Adam Carlisle, Mayor of the Westminster Staple [Middx]. When taken: 10/05/1395 First term: 30/05/1395 Last term: 30/05/1395 Writ to: Sheriff of Leics Sent by: Chancery. Endorsement: He sent the writ to Roger Barber {Barbour}, Bailiff of the Honor of Leicester of Belgrave [in Goscote Hundred, Leics.], who replied that John atte Grange was not found in the bailiwick and had no lands or tenements there. But he did have 100 ewes, worth £7; 3 oxen, worth 40s.; 3 cows, worth 2m.; 3 steers, worth 13s. 4d.; and 4 horses, worth 46s. 8d.; which were [all] seized into the King's hands.
Date: 28/11/1409
Last import: September 11, 2017

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