Report of William Ashurst on William Ranson convicted at the ‘last’ Suffolk Assizes, for a …

Description: Report of William Ashurst on William Ranson convicted at the 'last' Suffolk Assizes, for a burglary in the warehouse of Zephaniah Langley and stealing four parcels of tobacco and one of currants, on 10 March 1789. The theft was from a dwelling house/warehouse of Langley's in Lavenham. Evidences supplied by Zephaniah Langley, James Willis, James Thornton, the bellman, and Thomas Keable, 'who seemed to have been an accomplice'. Grounds for clemency: 'the distress of his mother'. Initial sentence: death. Recommendation: speaks against mercy.
Date: 10/04/1793
Last import: September 11, 2017

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