Grant by Maud, widow of John le Smyth of Cookham, Berkshire, the daughter and heir …

Description: Grant by Maud, widow of John le Smyth of Cookham, Berkshire, the daughter and heir of Andrew de Edeneye clerk, to Robert de Hedesore, son of Ellen de Hedesore, the grantor's sister, of the parish of Woburn ['Woberne episcopi']Buckinghamshire, and his heirs and assigns, of all her lands, meadows, and tenements in the vill and fields of Cookham. Dated at Cookham. Witnesses: William Luches, John Pynkeney, Nicholas Mongeton, John atthe Hythe, John Godfray and John Savage. Seal missing.
Date: 09/05/1406
Last import: September 11, 2017

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