Folios 772-773. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: B G Burford, Clerk, Lymington [Hampshire]….

Description: Folios 772-773. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: B G Burford, Clerk, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject Matter: Letter enquiring whether the Local Board have the power under section 45 of the Local Government Act and section 108 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, to give a months notice to an individual who by working a steam engine in a mill creates a nuisance from the smoke arising from it, and uses no machinery for consuming such smoke, or whether instead, the Board are compelled under section 27 of the Nuisances Removal Act 1855, or section 18 of the Sanitary Act 1866 either to receive the certificate of Medical Officers, or a requisition of 10 inhabitants before they can give notice to the individual to consume the smoke produced by the steam engine by means of machinery for consuming the same.
Date: 17/08/1870
Last import: September 11, 2017

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