Folios 748-749. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: William Baker, Clerk to the Lymington…

Description: Folios 748-749. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: William Baker, Clerk to the Lymington Local Board, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject Matter: Letter enquiring on behalf of Mr Sharp, appointed to conduct the election of members of this Local Board, whether persons in arrears with Poor rates made within six months of the day of election are then disqualified as voters, as defined in section 20 of the Public Health Act. He refers to the General Board's advice that the exception of rates due within six months contained in the section referred to, is confined to rates made by the Local Board. He asks for an early reply to this as the voting papers will be delivered on Saturday next and the election is likely to be closely contested. He gives an example of a case in question and asks whether the person is legally qualified to vote.
Date: 08/01/1868
Last import: September 11, 2017

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