Folios 720-721. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: William Baker, Clerk to the Lymington…

Description: Folios 720-721. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: William Baker, Clerk to the Lymington Local Board, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject Matter: Letter with reference to the letter of the 8 July 1867 on the subject of the letter of the Clerk to the Magistrates. Baker confirms that the course suggested has been taken, and has been explained by letter to the magistrates of the great inconvenience which would result from the adoption of their recommendations. He gives details of the proceedings taken at the Petty Sessions he attended on Saturday last, and of the Magistrates decision to go on with the summonses. He adds that some of the ratepayers have expressed their intention of applying to the Home Secretary under section 49 of the Sanitary Act 1866 on this matter.
Date: 16/07/1867
Last import: September 11, 2017

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