Folios 650-651. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: W Henry Grove, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject…

Description: Folios 650-651. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: W Henry Grove, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject Matter: Letter in reply to a letter of the 3 December 1866, Lewis requests a copy of the case submitted by the Law Officers and of their opinion on this, in order that he can be acquainted with the grounds in which they differ from Mr Colridge, so as to take further action in the matter. He calls attention to the fact that he has not received any final answer to the appeal forwarded from 250 ratepayers of this parish against the adoption of the Local Government Act. He also asks for a reply to the cases sent on the 10 October where voting papers had not been left and where left, not subsequently called for.
Date: 08/12/1866
Last import: September 11, 2017

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