Folios 647-648. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: Leonard Lewis, Summoning Officer, Lymington [Hampshire]….

Description: Folios 647-648. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: Leonard Lewis, Summoning Officer, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject Matter: Letter drawing attention to the case of 'ex parte the Matlock Bath District' and particularly to the dictum of J Crompton, where Lewis gives an extract of what he is reported to have said. It was also remarked that it did not appear to be the policy of the Act to multiply districts. Lewis states that on the authority of this, it is submitted that section 14 applied with equal force to each of the three classes of places mentioned in section 12 and that consequently the proceedings on the adoption here are unimpeachable on the grounds of the appeal now pending. He adds that the promotors of the adoption of the Act are anxious to know as early as possible the decision on the last appeal, as the present state of sanitary matters within the parish is 'anything but satisfactory'.
Date: 21/11/1866
Last import: September 11, 2017

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