Folios 637-640. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George F St Barbe, Lymington [Hampshire]….

Description: Folios 637-640. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George F St Barbe, Lymington [Hampshire]. Subject Matter: Letter acknowledging receipt of a letter of September 1866 enclosing a copy of a further appeal against the validity of the Poll taken on the 11 September for the adoption of the Local Government Act 1858 in this parish, which has been submitted to the promotors of the adoption of the Act. The promotors state that the adoption was taken in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and that the Poll was taken for the entire parish including the borough under section 14. Barbe points out that the whole parish comprises an area of 1400 acres, 100 of which is the borough of Lymington. He encloses a copy of a letter from Mr Hayward dated 3 August 1866 and a reply on the 8 August, and explains that the opinion of the Counsel was not drawn to section 14 of the Local Government Act in the case submitted by the opponents of the measure. He adds that he is still awaiting information on the persons whose case it is alleged omitted to cause voting papers to be delivered and in others to cause such to be collected.
Date: 20/10/1866
Last import: September 11, 2017

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