Folios 551-553. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton…

Description: Folios 551-553. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton Local Board, 3 Union Street, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter referring to the several letters received from the Luton Local Board with reference to the safe keeping of petroleum under the Petroleum Act 1862. Bailey asks if the Local Board is the authority to grant licenses under section 4 of paragraph 2. He explains that there is a conflict of jurisdiction because the Clerk of the Justices argues that they are not the local authority as defined and he quotes the opinion of a case in the Justices of Peace, which is a weekly journal of some ability but not to be fully relied on. He asks whether the Local Government Act Office would have some similar advice.
Date: 23/06/1869
Last import: September 11, 2017

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