Folios 501-503. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton…

Description: Folios 501-503. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton Local Board, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter with reference to the proposed erection of a market house under section 50 of the Local Government Act 1858, which provides for the Local Board taking stallages, rents and tolls. Bailey suggests on behalf of the Local Board that shops should be erected in conjunction with the market houses as it would be more remunerative. He draws a comparison of this proposal to the Royal Exchange in London, and refers to Covent Garden and Brighton. He also refers to the Markets and Fairs Clauses Act 1847 confers powers regarding the byelaws as to stallages, rents and tolls. He asks for advice on this matter.
Date: 03/01/1867
Last import: September 11, 2017

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