Folios 459-460. To: The Home Secretary. From: Thomas [Amberlam], Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter calling…

Description: Folios 459-460. To: The Home Secretary. From: Thomas [Amberlam], Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter calling attention to the proposal of the trustees of the Luton Union Chapel to erect a large school room over the vaults and graves of the burial ground attached to the chapel, [Amberlam] states that he objects to this scheme, which he considers would be most objectionable to the surrounding houses and prejudicial to his property which adjoins the ground and being only 20 feet away from the graves and vaults. He therefore asks for sanction to be withheld to this plan.
Date: 04/05/1863
Last import: September 11, 2017

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