Folios 401-403. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton…

Description: Folios 401-403. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton Local Board, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter enquiring as to whether the Luton Local Board may copy their assessments from the Luton Poor Rate, even though the poor rate for the district was recently quashed by the Justices of the Petty Sessions, having been appealed against, owing to the defectiveness in the annual value placed on different properties under a recent valuation. Bailey explains that the Local Board did not want to go through the expense of having a fresh valuation under section 56, and he asks for an opinion on the construction of section 55 of the Local Government Act 1858 in this matter.
Date: 24/05/1859
Last import: September 11, 2017

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