Folios 313-315. To: The General Board of Health. From: Alfred Dickens, Superintending Inspector, The General…

Description: Folios 313-315. To: The General Board of Health. From: Alfred Dickens, Superintending Inspector, The General Board of Health. Subject Matter: Letter referring to Dickens' recent visit to the site of the deodorising works at Luton [Bedfordshire]. Dickens explains that it is admirably situated for the purpose and he therefore recommends that sanction should be granted for its purchase. He refers to the £40 for the set of plans and considers that these plans merely suggest the use of a certain patent and for the use of which patent a large royalty has been paid, however as the Luton Local Board have so determined, he considers that the sanction should be granted for the full amount of £610.
Date: 18/07/1856
Last import: September 11, 2017

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