Folio 251. To: The General Board of Health. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton…

Description: Folio 251. To: The General Board of Health. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton Local Board, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter referring to the near completion of the sewering of the district to be bought directly or indirectly to the River Lea, and in consequence of this, serious complaints have been made by the proprietor of Luton Park. Bailey explains that the proprietor's ornamental lake has been much polluted by the sewage. He therefore asks for sanction of a loan to defray the cost and expenses occurred in the construction of an intercepting a main sewer to prevent the flow of sewage into the river until it has been filtered or otherwise disposed of. He asks for an early reply to this matter.
Date: 19/12/1855
Last import: September 11, 2017

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