Folios 193-194. To: The General Board of Health. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton…

Description: Folios 193-194. To: The General Board of Health. From: George Bailey, Clerk to the Luton Local Board, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter referring to a large main sewer recently made in Hitchin Road, Luton [Bedfordshire], and the benefit it has made to many of the streets in the district, as shown in a plan enclosed [not included in item]. Bailey explains that the district has recently been assessed and a Special District Rate has been made for the expenses, but the ratepayers refuse to pay alleging that they have been called upon to bear a portion of the expense for making main sewers in other parts of the whole district, for which they have no direct benefit. He asks for the General Board's opinion and advice on certain questions and suggestions he puts forward on this matter.
Date: 07/02/1854
Last import: September 11, 2017

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