Folio 33. To: The General Board of Health. From: William Clarke, Churchwarden; John Clark, Surveyor…

Description: Folio 33. To: The General Board of Health. From: William Clarke, Churchwarden; John Clark, Surveyor and Joseph Jennings, Overseer, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter requesting a copy of the first petition alleged to be signed by the ratepayers of Luton with the signatures attached to it requesting a Superintending Inspector to make a local Inquiry into the sanitary state of this town in accordance with section 8 of the Public Health Act 1848. Clarke also asks to be informed of the circumstances in which the petition was made, as it is considered that it did not contain one tenth of the inhabitants legally rated to the relief of the poor as required by section 8.
Date: 27/05/1850
Last import: September 11, 2017

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