Folios 29-31. To: The General Board of Health. From: Edward Williamson, Clerk to the Magistrates,…

Description: Folios 29-31. To: The General Board of Health. From: Edward Williamson, Clerk to the Magistrates, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter with reference to a letter of the 25 April 1850 enclosing copies of certain petitions with the names of the petitioners against the application of the Public Health Act 1848 to Luton. Williamson encloses a statement showing the rateable value of which the petitioners are rated both for and against the adoption of the Act for observation. He states that the rateable value of the 187 inhabitants who signed the original petition to adopt the Act amounts to £6572 5s 0d, and the 715 against amounts to only £5026 18s, being small ratepayers, and some not even on the rate book. He gives a further explanation as to the assessable rates in the district. He refers to Mr Cresy's report and the evidence of the Medical Officer. He adds that with respect to the boundary referred to in a letter of the 11 May 1850, the promotors beg to withdraw their proposition for limiting the boundary at present, as they consider it will be better to obtain an order immediately and get the boundary restricted afterwards.
Date: 25/05/1850
Last import: September 11, 2017

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