Folios 4-6. To: The General Board of Health. From: Thomas Sikes, Vicarage, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject…

Description: Folios 4-6. To: The General Board of Health. From: Thomas Sikes, Vicarage, Luton [Bedfordshire]. Subject Matter: Letter referring to the many months which have passed since the petition to the General Board and the subsequent visit from an inspector in March 1849. Sikes enquires as to when any thing will be done to this parish. He explains that as a result of the inspector's visit from the General Board, no inspector was appointed under the Nuisances Removal Act by their Board of Guardians, and the consequence is that their nuisances are not only unabated but increasing, and are likely to continue. He adds tat unless they are put under some proper regulation the delay 'becomes a matter of extreme alarm and anxiety to many', now that cholera is present, and in a worse and virulent form, and he therefore asks for an early reply. He also encloses 3 bills for the advertisements inserted on the 7 February 1849 as requested, in the Hertford Mercury 14s 8d; the Bedford Mercury 14s 3d and the Bedford Times 13s 9d totalling £2 2s 8d.
Date: 31/07/1849
Last import: September 11, 2017

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